Pt1. NKOS-2024-ISKO
March 21, 2024 @ 18th ISKO Conference, Wuhan, China
Pt2. NKOS-2024-DCMI
October 20, 2024 @ 2024 DCMI Conference, Toronto, Canada
Overview | Schedule Pt1 (ISKO) |Schedule Pt2 (DCMI) | Original CFP | NKOS Home
Themes for the NKOS-2024 Workshop
Artificial intelligence (AI) is broadly defined as the use of automation to solve problems by reasoning autonomously. Today, the popular AI method is large language models (LLMs). But there are many other automation methods such as rules-based, machine learning, vectors, n-grams, clustering, filtering, NLP (natural language processing), NLG (natural language generation), etc. that can make automation intelligent. While there is a tendency to focus on one primary method, most AI applications use several methods.
The NKOS Workshop is particularly interested in how knowledge organization systems (KOS) are being used or can be used to make automation intelligent. For example, one problem with LLMs is “hallucinations” where the application generates a response to a prompt that is “correct” but not true. How can KOS be integrated with LLMs to guide their responses so that they do not produce “hallucinations”?
The workshop welcomes timely presentations/demonstrations of early exploratory or speculative work, work in process, initial results, as well as more mature results selected from the perspectives of KOS in AI and AI in KOS.
Focus of the 2024 NKOS Workshop
Demonstrations related to KOS and AI:
- Demonstrations of KOS that are being used to make automation intelligent in different disciplines.
- Demonstrations related to the application of machine learning, natural language processing, language models, and related technologies to knowledge organization including both the use of KOS in AI and the use of AI for KOS.
- Demonstrations relevant to a specific discipline such as medicine, cultural heritage, environment, sustainability, etc.
Demonstrations may be of early exploratory or speculative work, work in process, initial results, or more mature results. Demonstrations may be a live demo of a working application or prototype in action, a pre-recorded “live” demo, or the results or evaluation of the results from the application.
Presentations & Speakers
Pt1. NKOS-2024-ISKO
March 21, 2024Pt2. NKOS-2024-DCMI
October 20, 2024 [incoming]Welcome and Introduction (ppt)
- Joseph Busch (Taxonomy Strategies, USA.)
KOS in AI & AI in KOS
- "Towards Taxonomy Management with Generative AI" (ppt)
Xia Lin & Xiyuan Chang (Drexel University, USA.)
- "The Method and Evaluation of use of LLMs to Build Science-Technology Relationships Ontology in Agriculture Domain --Taking the Hull-less barley as an example" (ppt)
Chai Miaoling, Zhang Xian (National Science Library; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
& Dawazhuoma. (Institution of Science and Technology Information of Tibetan Autonomous Region, China)
- "AI-based Approaches to Automatic and Computer-Supported Resource Description in Archaeology" (ppt)
Isto Huvila & Ying-Hsang Liu (Uppsala University, Sweden)
- "Automatic Datafication and Metadata Creation by AI in the Digital Humanities Research: A Case Study of Archives of Qing Secret Societies" (ppt)
Sophy Shu-Jiun Chen, Hsiang-An Wang (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
& Hsi-Yuan Chen (Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures, Taiwan)
ISO 25964 - Current revision activities
- "ISO 25964 Current Revision Activities -- Introduction" (ppt)
Margie Hlava (Access Innovations, USA.)
- "ISO 25964 Focus Group Report" (ppt1-intro) (ppt2-visualReps)
Joseph Busch (Taxonomy Strategies, USA.),
Marcia Lei Zeng (Kent State University, USA.),
& Hua Liu (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China)
Announcements & reports
- Joseph Busch (Taxonomy Strategies, USA.)
Welcome and Introduction (ppt)
- Joseph Busch (Taxonomy Strategies, USA.)
LLM Demonstrations
- "Leveraging generative AI for multilingual thesaurus development: Insights from the Confucius Ceremony Cultural Vocabulary" (ppt)
Sophy Shu-Jiun Chen (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
- "The ontology enhanced multimodal large language models for the knowledge organization and representation of multi-modal cultural memory resources" (ppt)
Cuijuan Xia (Shanghai Library, China)
- "Using LLMs for enriching metadata with links to KOS and knowledge graphs: Case Finnish Named Entity Linking" (ppt)
Rafael Leal (University of Helsinki), Annastiina Ahola (Aalto University), & Eero Hyvönen (Aalto University and University of Helsinki (HELDIG) Finland)Knowledge Graph Demonstrations
- "The African Knowledge Hub: Role of the SDG taxonomy (KOS) in harnessing, exploring, and navigating knowledge of the United Nations System - Africa" (ppt)
Irene Onyancha (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)), Ahmed Al-Awah (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)), Fraser Gordon (Amplyfi Ltd), & Rofaida Elzubair (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA))
- "Patent citation link prediction based on graph neural network" (ppt)
Wei Hu, Shuying Li, & Ning Yang (National Science Library-Chengdu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, China)ML Demonstrations
- "Exploring patient perspectives on anticipating and mitigating potential harms of LLMs in depression self-management" (ppt)
Dong Whi Yoo (Kent State University, USA.) & Koustuv Saha (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA.)
- "Testing use of an LLM algorithm on Gene Ontology (GO) dataset" (ppt)
Qiaoyi (Joy) Liu & Jian Qin (Syracuse University, USA.)
- "Using KOS AI to expedite the conference experience" (ppt)
Margie Hlava (Access Innovations, USA.)
AI and KOS Demonstrations
- "Evaluating AI assignment of Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)" (ppt)
Brian Dobreski & Chris Hastings (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.)
- "Mapping the Global AI Landscape using AI and KOS" (ppt)
Trevor Watkins (George Mason University, USA.)Announcements & Closing
- Joseph Busch (Taxonomy Strategies, USA.)
Program Committee
Program Committee
- Co-Chairs
- Joseph BUSCH ( Taxonomy Strategies, Co-Chair
- Douglas TUDHOPE ( University of South Wales, Co-Chair
- Marcia ZENG ( Kent State University, Co-Chair
- Program Committee Members
- Lu AN ( Wuhan University
- Mark BUTLER ( University of California, Berkeley and Voise Inc.
- Claudio GNOLI ( University of Pavia
- Koraljka GOLUB ( Linnaeus University
- Margie HLAVA ( Access Innovations
- Vânia Mara Alves LIMA ( University of São Paulo
- Philipp MAYR ( GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
- Ziyoung PARK 朴志英 ( Hansung University
- Jian QIN ( Syracuse University
- Armando STELLATO ( University of Rome
- Marcin TRZMIELEWSKI ( Paul Valéry University Montpellier 3
- Jakob VOSS ( Verbundzentrale des GBV
NKOS (Networked Knowledge Organization Systems) is an ad hoc work group of more than 300 international experts and implementers of knowledge organization systems. NKOS is devoted to enabling knowledge organization systems/services (KOS), such as classification systems, thesauri, gazetteers, and ontologies, as networked, interactive information services to support the description and retrieval of diverse information resources through the Internet.
[Ref: Archive for all NKOS workshops materials (since 1997) || An archive containing details of European NKOS Workshops]
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